skillet over medium heat, cook
meat until evenly browned. Drain
fat. Remove from heat and set
aside. In large pot fill about ½
full of water and bring to boil.
Hollow out the peppers by removing
the tops, seeds and membranes.
Shave off bottoms of peppers if
necessary so they will stand
upright. Place peppers in boiling
water for appx 5 minutes to soften
them. Drain and place in cookwell
sprayed with cooking spray.
In a bowl, mix together browned
meat, cooked rice, 1 cup of the
tomato sauce, Worcester shire
sauce, garlic, onion, salt Italian
seasoning and pepper. Stuff
peppers with mixture. Pour
remaining sauce over peppers. Bake
in roaster appx 30 minutes, then
sprinkle cheese on top and
continue baking until cheese is
melted. Serve.
HINTS: We rarely use our
oven during these hot summer
months in Texas in order to keep
the house cooler. That is why we
used our electric roaster. You can
place peppers in a baking dish
covered with foil in a 350 degree
oven. Remove the foil when adding
the cheese. Cooking time should be
the same. |